
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>本片讲述了在伊拉克冲突中作战的年轻美国大兵的故事,并将侧重点集中在…
  • When Nick's girlfriend dumps him at graduation, he has a colossal meltdown in front of the entire un...
  • Picture-perfect Neve (County Line’s Ashley Madekwe) has it all – a beautiful fa…
  • 体育老师简被迫过着双重生活。白天,她在学校需要隐藏真正的自己,扮演社会所期望她扮演的角色。只有在夜晚,她才…
  • 《怒呛人生》讲述了一起发生在两个陌生人之间的路怒事件。丹尼·周(史蒂文·元饰)是一个失败的承包商,心中愤愤…
  • 阿斯特丽德和拉斐尔又回来啦。新一季,新气象,两位主角都遭遇了很大的变化。而这次她们要先携手侦破一桩谋杀及盗…
  • It follows Reno, a newly married gunfighter seeking a quiet life with his bride. yuankan.cc When Reno kill…
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