
  • A drug enforcement agent teams up with her daughter to save her abducted granddaughter from the powerful h…
  • China O’brien; big city police woman; martial arts trainer, is forced to hand i…
  • 罗素·哈奇(尚格云顿)是国际刑警组织的特工,他承担起了对杰登的父亲形象的角色,因为杰登的生父在一次例行突袭中…
  • Sean及Bilie为侦查一名警员之死,混入一夜总会当卧底,揭发一连串的谋杀及贪污。身为空手道高手的Bilie不惜孤身…
  •   不法商人黄德(黄锦燊 饰)在纽约从事印制伪钞的勾当,其旗下集团为CIA一举捣毁。身为主犯的黄德逃回香港,设…
  • Sean及Bilie为侦查一名警员之死,混入一夜总会当卧底,揭发一连串的谋杀及贪污。身为空手道高手的Bilie不惜孤身…
  • 香港高级警司罗聪天触犯贪污条例,被迫逃往美国,其子罗宾在港夺得黑帮名册,赶往美国交给聪天,希望能洗脱父贪污…
  • Murphy is a mega-famous canine TV star who is fed up with being treated like a 'cash-machine' by Hollywood…
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