
  • A nurse finds herself in a dark and mysterious world.
  • When a couple visits a remote cabin and cross paths with a compulsive liar, their vacation takes a dramati…
  • 影片讲述离婚不久的克里斯·戴克是一个富有的风险投资家,住在蒙大拿州自己设计的高科技房子里,在身体和情感上都…
  • Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set…
  • After the death of their adoptive mother, a shy butcher and his drama queen twin sister leave the UK and a…
  • While the hot rodders and motorcyclists are having a rock-and-roll beach party, a barrel of radioactive ma…
  • Sequel to Rob Lowe's 2018 The Bad Seed, follows now 15-year-old Emma, as she is sent off to boarding schoo…
  • 這是一群美國年輕背包客到非洲旅行的故事,在發現了小屋廢棄已久之後,一切開始不太對勁。為了在這充滿未知威脅的…
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