
  • 影片讲述了世界著名音乐家莉迪亚·塔尔Lydia Tár(凯特·布兰切特 饰)的故事。距离录制交响乐仅有几天时间,这…
  • In 1997, four kids vanish in Silverpoint Woods. 23 years later, one boy tries to find out what happened.by…
  • It follows Tom and his mother, who live in a mobile home on the edge of the woods. A young man just releas…
  • 该民谣音乐类竞演节目集结29组会生活有表达的音乐人齐聚一座烟火城市——长沙,共同生活并通过线下多轮比拼方式,…
  • 搞笑与恐怖兼具,诗意与荒谬齐飞,平日与末日共存。《白噪音》通过戏剧手法,刻画现代美国家庭试图在不可捉摸的世…
  • When Margaret (Wainwright) and Ben (Gilford) take a weekend trip with longtime friends Ellie (Crew) and Th…
  • It is based on an actor's journey in front and behind the lens who promises action and an offbeat sense of…
  • Ti是一名大学生,曾做过兼职家教。有一天,他的一个学生和高中混混惹上了麻烦。蒂瓦去保护他的学生,并与该团伙的…
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