
  • Something has been discovered, and this time, a city is under attack by a fast growing T-Rex.
  • The Richardson family celebrates their 28-year-old daughter's pregnancy in Northern California. The celebr…
  • 可怕的怪兽在废弃矿坑被埋了七十年,如今终于逃脱而出,而只有老年人才知道它的恐怖!
  • 一个堕落的综合格斗女拳王无意中来到一个类似阴曹地府的未知空间,在那里她必须赢得多场不受限制的死亡比武,她的…
  •   一部“心理杀手”类的恐怖电影
  • ClearMind is a thriller-comedy about the dark side of virtual reality therapy, and the slippery slope of u…
  • 这是一部关于在战争中幸存者的电影,潘礼德的新作《辐射》将关切投向整个人类灾难史,犹太大屠杀、南京大屠杀、越…
  • 恢复巴里速度的实验适得其反时,纳什威尔斯想到一种危险的计划拯救闪电侠的方法。 与此同时,艾瑞斯在镜中实现了…
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