
  • 一个女演员想永葆青春,于是便亲身试验了一种号称能抗衰老的液体,结果青  春非但没保住,那致命的副作用反而使…
  • After her sister's murder, Nic, her younger sister and two friends seek solace through a Pacific island ka…
  • Aspiring actress, Kia Anderson, is about to learn that the final callback for a horror Feature Film is som…
  • 故事发生于2032年,当时来自地球的任务正被派往探索火星。在火星表面发现奇怪的人工制品后,两组宇航员被神秘杀害…
  • Four friends come to an old, abandoned factory in Lower Silesia, where their friend went missing a year ag…
  • The movie chronicles the events of history's man of mystery, Rasputin. Although not quite historically acc…
  • 讲述一个地区受到许多神秘灾难和厄运袭击,因为未知的灵魂透过一名年轻男子来引诱人们,将他们带向令人战栗的命运…
  • 一对夫妻在自己矿井里发现古代邪教祭祀的遗迹,不想丈夫被邪灵附体,恶灵为一只邪恶之手
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