
  • Inspired by the original hit Swedish novel and film,the series centers on Mark and his daughter Eleanor, w…
  • A hit and run of an 18 year old girl becomes the hub of a wheel that sets into motion many a spoke - a jou…
  • 曾在国外做过私人保镖的退伍军人雷霆,得知儿子雷欧被国外黑帮引诱至当作活人狩猎游戏的筹码后,雷霆连同两位好友…
  • 本剧基于Leonie Frieda的书籍《Catherine de Medici: Renaissance Queen of France》创作,《革…
  • 在一个平静的夜晚,一辆飞驰而来的汽车,撞碎了音乐教授约翰(威廉·麦鲍瑟 William Mapother 饰)的幸福生活,他…
  • 4段灵异的奇妙物语
  • When the neighborhood's beloved dogs are stolen by a comic book-inspired villain with an evil plan, it is …
  • 一群大学生在四月一日愚人节结伴到一无人荒岛的巨宅中度周末,结果碰上血腥的愚人节恶作剧。他们在互相玩笑之余却…
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