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  • 影片根据导演布莱克周遭的真实故事改编,此前曾改编为一部同名短片。影片描绘曼德薇饰演的年轻母亲,努力拯救她1…
  • 勇敢无畏的乌利·史戴克和丹尼·阿诺专攻高山,这次两人挑战瑞士阿尔卑斯山大北壁,比拼谁能创下最速纪录。
  • A rising prosecutor spends the night at a rival defense attorNey's home. AwakeNed Next to his murdered bod…
  •   Wheat has been a staple food of humanity, and a foundation of our diet, dati…
  •   戈亞斯市位於真實與夢幻,殖民歷史與現代農業綜合企業壓倒性之間,是年輕的費爾南達與她的秘密根源相遇的舞台…
  •   In 2011, Lisa HepNer and her husband Guy Mossman heard about a radical stem …
  •   A sleep study goes awry when participants start to go missing.
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