
  •   A young man is found bruised, beaten and stumbling down a secluded road. As …
  •   After her mother is murdered on Halloween, a rebellious teenager travels bac…
  • <p>  J.G. Ballard的小说...无语...<br/>  Most Remarkable Film I Have …
  • 讲述自从一起庭院拍卖会后,某小镇上出现了多起杀人案,被连环杀手灵魂附体的鬼娃娃恰奇,持刀索命来了。
  • Zombieverse是一档真人秀系列节目,设定在韩国首都首尔。在节目中,一组幸存者必须团结一致,寻找水源、食物、交…
  • After the disappearance of his troubled friend, Chris Rivers investigates a dark apocalyptic cult.
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