
  • 罗伯特·德尼罗、Machine Gun Kelly、约翰·马尔科维奇将主演新动作惊悚片《河水冲洗我》(Wash Me in t…
  • A medical student suffering from sleep paralysis finds herself plagued by a deMonic entity, after moving i…
  • Alexis composes music through torture and pain. As a child, the brutal murder of her family made her regai…
  • 莎拉·温斯特以前是一名警局探员,现在是一名著名的犯罪小说家,当一个杀手开始模仿她书里情节犯罪时,她发现自己…
  • Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set…
  • A homicidal maniac is accidentally released from a hospital because of a computer error and heads to the s…
  • 这晚,纽约州又一名机场管理员巴克暴毙在停机坪上,尸体乾瘪瘪的被人完全抽干了所有的血。这一事件震撼了新闻界,…
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