
  • Two young women retreat to a remote holiday home. While one of them undertakes a medical abortion, the oth…
  •   Julián finds love and a reason for living in the last place imaginable: the …
  • <p>  Alice and Tommaso have been together for many years. When they invi…
  • 1936年的西班牙夏天,8岁的莫曹第一天上课便拉尿,弄得全班哄堂大笑,唯有老师安慰解难,小莫曹才可释怀。友情亦…
  • 在曼谷偏远的山区森林裡,有许多名人被邀请参加派对,一台旧型的卡拉OK机被摆放在最显眼的角落。现场有人手痒插上…
  • Three showgirls on their way to Las Vegas have car trouble and are stuck all night out in the desert. The …
  • 影片情节设置在一个叫作天堂谷的虚构国度,一个男人叫做亚当卓别林的故事。亚当在他的妻子死后发现她的死因非常可…
  •   大半生在银幕上历遍人间生离,年逾古稀却怎也无法在镜头前演出死别一刻。趁剧组停拍,资深演员到蔚蓝海岸探望…
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