
  • 一名喜欢偷窥他人的黑客高手有一个从事性工作的邻居,当邻居周末出门度假后,这名黑客发现自己被卷入了一场危险的…
  • Two sisters go diving at a beautiful, remote location. One of the sisters is struck by a rock, leaving her…
  • Single mother Elaine is disturbed by her son Martin's aggressive behaviour, she visits his late father's e…
  • 1908年圣诞节是墨西拿(Messina),地中海最富裕的商人城市之一。彼得(Peter)是一个富有的英国家庭的13岁儿子…
  • Neneh is a Little 12-year-old black girl. Born to dance, she dreams of gaining entry to the Paris Opera ba…
  • 这部《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)前传故事设置在1980年间,讲述了少女凯莉·布莱肖度过青春期,面对母亲的死…
  • When Anya starts behaving Like his recently-deceased mother, Emmett must confront his deepest traumas to f…
  • A psychological thriller with aspects of the horror genre, focusing on the Lives of the remaining Serbs in…
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