
  • 在这个世界上,有许多人从事杀手的行业。有的人杀人需要几天时间,有的只需花几分钟,而有的却用好几年。很不幸,…
  • Benny works for old school crime boss Abe, Abe has multiple personalities and is in a gang war with the no…
  • 根据同名小说改编:1957年平安夜一名德哈维兰吸血鬼的飞行员回家的故事,他的飞机在从德国北部的皇家空军赛勒到萨…
  • 凯迪佳是一位40多岁的非洲裔女性,为一个富裕的巴黎家庭工作。夏天到来时,雇主提议让她前往科西嘉岛照顾孩子整个…
  • 天性善良,谨小慎微的Selim经营着一家男士衬衣店。由于经济环境不景气,即使收入比一般人要好,Selim也不敢随意消…
  • A lone crimefighter battles the forces of evil with the help of an indestructible and artificially intelli…
  • A lone crimefighter battles the forces of evil with the help of an indestructible and artificially intelli…
  • In the majestic tropical isLand of PaLawan, three environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and po…
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