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  • 1999年,一对双胞胎姐妹情窦初开,在一次互相冒充身份为对方考试时,认识了少年马克,帅气阳光的他同时拨动了两姐…
  • Reed Morano及Jane Featherstone将联手制作Amazon 10集剧《电击女孩 The Power》,该剧改编自Naomi …
  • 洛斯(卡米尔·科坦 Camille Cottin 饰)和艾米丽是情同手足的两姐妹,虽然两人的性格大相径庭,但彼此之间感情十…
  • The host of a failing children's science TV show attempts to fulfill his childhood dream of being an astro…
  • Alice is a young woman opposed to the construction of a power-plant, an idea of her own father who is a me…
  • Savitri, the matriarch of a massive cartel in the lawless Borderlands, opens up a battle for succession to…
  • 少女媒人基蒂·宋·科维原以为她对爱情所有的细节都了如指掌。但当她飘洋过海与异地男友重聚时,她很快便意识到,…
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