
  • 故事发生在繁华的大都市巴黎,一位善良的贵妇决定将自己的巨额财产留给一直陪伴她的宠物猫“女公爵”(伊娃·嘉宝…
  • 追随著名的黑豹党的领导人【休伊·P·牛顿】的一生。在《逍遥骑士》背后的好莱坞制片人伯特·施奈德(Bert Sch…
  • <p>  近距離觀察五位熱愛刺激的世界頂尖求生高手如何施展絕技<br/>  在毫無準備、孤立無援的情況…
  • 由常与罗根合作的摄影师Brandon Trost执导,改编自刊登于2013年《纽约客》的中篇小说《Sell Out》,原作者S…
  • An action filled account of an Ex FBI negotiator who uses all his skills to save a jumbo jet headed for Lo…
  • An action filled account of an Ex FBI negotiator who uses all his skills to save a jumbo jet headed for Lo…
  • An action filled account of an Ex FBI negotiator who uses all his skills to save a jumbo jet headed for Lo…
  • An action filled account of an Ex FBI negotiator who uses all his skills to save a jumbo jet headed for Lo…
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