
  • Handsome and successful Jim appears to have it all: he's married to the beautiful and supportive Lisa, has…
  • Henry and the court go to the summit to sign the treaty with France. Tensions are understandably high, and…
  • 西班牙语电影,表现了1862年5月5日普埃布拉之战,此役是第二次法墨战争中墨西哥共和军少有的胜利。<p>…
  • 南非加莫拉岛拥有丰富的石油和钻石资源。在维吉尼亚州中情局总部一场政治阴谋正在计划着。德生是中情局的腐败份子…
  • To escape the clutches of the evil warrior and sorceress Morgana, Merlin transports young King Arthur into…
  • To escape the clutches of the evil warrior and sorceress Morgana, Merlin transports young King Arthur into…
  • 这部音乐剧DVD取材于耶稣的生平事迹,韦伯创新地将严肃的宗教故事和前卫的摇滚音乐联系起来,是一部艺术表现非常…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>这是导演的成名之作,罗伯特自掏腰包拍了这部低成本的黑色电影,结果一炮而红。影…
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