
  • In the year 2025, the 45th President of the United States of America is back for his 2rd term in office an…
  • 本季由克里斯·洛克主演,杰克·休斯顿、本·韦肖、詹森·舒瓦兹曼、蒂莫西·奥利芬特、杰西·巴克利、萨尔瓦托雷…
  • The film follows a famed bounty hunter who runs into his sworn enemy, a professional gambler and outlaw th…
  • 机长弗兰克(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)与飞机打交道多年,这次他将负责一架“凤凰号”货机,运送一批石油工…
  • Syfy原创电视电影(RoadKill)描述一群朋友在爱尔兰乘坐娱乐车来到风景秀美的乡村旅行。他们不小心撞倒一个吉普赛…
  • 故事发生在1860年左右,经过鸦片战争沉重打击后灾难深重的中国.英国奸商林赛男爵为了牟取暴利,与腐败的清朝总督冯…
  • A drama centered on a man dealing with the aftereffects of being in a coma caused by a car accident. Where…
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