
  • 华金·曼查多坐镇巴塞罗那海港,用铁腕手段统治着他的毒品帝国——直到一批新货搅乱了他的生意和家族。
  • Follows prodigy vulcanologist Antoinette Vitrini and her sister Emily as they attempt to blow the whistle …
  • Aspiring actress, Kia Anderson, is about to learn that the final callback for a horror Feature Film is som…
  • 一位外星科学家和他的团队被派往地球,从他们垂死的星球上通过释放吸血鬼、狼人和木乃伊等怪物来消灭人类,以便继…
  • In the course of a demonstration in Rome against the opening of a refugee camp, an apocalypse qiwan.cc of …
  •   Two high profile couples are forced to examine the cost of success when they…
  • In a North Dublin housing estate Char's mother goes missing. When she returns Char is determined to uncove…
  • 四对青人男女正准备出席一个舞会,途中误闯进一间阴森大屋,还引出了鬼王。鬼王带领丧尸四出杀戮,四对男女遇害后…
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