
  • 该片改编自A. M. Shine的小说。28岁的艺术家米娜(达科塔·范宁 Dakota Fanning 饰),突然被困在爱尔兰西部一片…
  • Following her sister's disappearance, a Native American hustler kidnaps her niece from the child's white g…
  • SUPACELL is about a group of five ordinary people who unexpectedly Develop superpowers. They have little i…
  • 绰号巴比龙的亨利·查理尔(史蒂夫·麦奎因SteveMcQueen饰)正要被流放到圭亚那一个名为“魔鬼岛”的苦役营终身服…
  • 1927年,由唐·洛克伍德(吉恩·凯利饰)和丽娜·雷蒙德(简·哈根饰)主演的《皇家流氓》在好莱坞首映。由于丽娜…
  • ★轟動全球!最炙手可熱的驚悚小說名家B.A.芭莉絲,《紐約時報》《今日美國》《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷作家心理驚悚…
  • Rahul's parents have discovered that their new tenant, Pankaj, is from a lower caste and want him to leave…
  • The beginning of the AIDS crisis in the early 1980s when the first wave of the epiDemic hit Brazil.
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