
  • A young Canadian nurse (Betsy) comes to the West Indies to care for Jessica, the wife of a plantation mana…
  • Stanley, an aging fast food worker, prepares to work his final graveyard shift after 38 years. When he’s a…
  • A spoiled schoolgirl runs away from home, gets pregnant while hitchhiking, and ends up as a fashion model …
  • A carnal and intimate Film about a group of Berliners who are looking for new ways of Living, while playin…
  • An LGBT-themed horror film set in a rural town in the Philippines. A remote village is gripped with fear. …
  • yle=color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38); f>本故事中的小主人公莱娜对即将到来的圣诞节充满了渴望。谁知她发生意外…
  • 单身母亲阿曼达花在自己演唱生涯上的时间比花在自己10岁儿子身上的时间还多。如今,这些年来在低级酒吧里卖唱的日…
  •   安德里亚(戴安娜·阿姆夫特 Diana Amft 饰)是一名内衣设计师,年近30的她没有结婚,也铁定了心不打算要小孩…
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