
  • CW宣布#邪恶力量##Supernatural#的第15季将是该剧的最后一季。
  • This film by writer/director Alexis Jacknow will follow a woman's desperate attempt to fix her broken biol…
  • 施瓦辛格的代表作之一、詹姆斯·卡梅隆导演的1994年经典动作/喜剧片《真实的谎言》将被拍成剧集。福斯已承诺试播…
  • Jack is desperately trying for a new start in life, but when he throws away his childhood bear Benny, it's…
  • 八座山讲述了一段友情的故事。孩子成长为男人,他们在这一过程中试图不重复父亲的命运,但他们选择的人生道路却最…
  • When Pompeii was destroyed by an apocalyptic volcano in 79 AD, another Roman town was also destroyed and e…
  • 来自非洲象牙海岸的单亲妈妈萝丝带着两个儿子让和欧吉斯特搬到了巴黎郊区。从80年代到如今,这个家庭经历了组建和…
  • It follows Lara as she seeks treatment from a congregation of zealots, where an exorcist will try to save …
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