
  • A night of unimaginable terror awaits twelve-year-old, Bobby, and his best friend, Kevin, when they are ab…
  • Some time after the Mousekewitz's have settled in America, they find that they are still having problems w…
  • 出身贫民的印度女孩蔻茜(艾西瓦娅·拉杰什饰)从小热爱板球运动,立志要进国家队,却面对性别、出身及社会给予的…
  • Forced to travel with her boyfriend, Laine, she begins to experience premonitions associated with the urba…
  • 朱丽叶特·刘易斯、格蕾丝·范·帕滕、米娅·高斯将出演以女性为主导的奇幻动作片[求救信号](Mayday,暂译)。本…
  • When their father's will forces them to live together, siblings Nik and Tesla — and Tesla's kids — try to …
  • 單親爸爸荷利托與女兒葉莎相依為命雖然資源有限,父女倆仍以歡笑面對、快樂度日。然而平靜的生活,卻在荷利托意外…
  • 單親爸爸荷利托與女兒葉莎相依為命雖然資源有限,父女倆仍以歡笑面對、快樂度日。然而平靜的生活,卻在荷利托意外…
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