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  • 电影讲述一位年迈的老人曼努尔,因为老伴罗莎的自杀身心逐渐恶化,他的儿子马力欧在怀孕的妻子莲娜强烈的反对下,…
  • 一个女孩在亚马逊最深的丛林科洛尼亚出生并长大,科洛尼亚依靠亚马逊最强大的母亲精神“海龟妈妈”的支持。有一天…
  • The Irish Mob tells the story of crime boss Val Fagan and the dark world of gangland Dublin, he leads a vi…
  • A young female journalist gets a chance to follow a famous football star for three days to write an articl…
  • Aspiring martial artist Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister, Lena, from her impending marriag…
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  • 出生于韩国的弗雷迪,自少便被领养家庭带到法国生活。25岁那年原本要去东京旅行,却因遇上台风而转游首尔,继而开…
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