
  • 故事讲述的是在不久的将来,水资源短缺,脾气暴躁的记者弗兰克莫利纳必须面对自己的心魔,以查明一起可怕命案背后…
  • 暂无简介
  • A dirty campaign forces movie star Marvin to flee from reporters and fans. Coincidentally, he immerses him…
  • 一个家庭三代人的故事,从二战的超现实记忆到现代的柏林,他们处于一个仍在应对历史创伤的社会中,无法处理自己过…
  • Juanjo, Sebas and Rayco face the stigma of alopecia and at the same time their self-esteem problems in a w…
  • 故事讲述彼得·威廉姆斯神父的他被一个他试图驱除的恶魔附身,最终犯下了最可怕的亵渎罪,18年后,他的罪的后果将…
  • A police chief hires an old friend, who is an international spy, to help him search for a wanted suspect i…
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